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Always Follow the Euphemism

It's hiding something...

Hey! Substack added a video feature! This will be fun and may mean the end of my relationship with Blogger! Here’s a video clip from #112. The full episode is below.

While I have your attention, here’s a quick State of the Substack.

I’ve added another podcast! I’ve dubbed these uploads Micropods. They contain very short clips from my full shows, often going back to the early days. I may expand them into something more extravagant later on, but they’ll always be short and to the point.

Maybe you’ve noticed that I haven’t written a damn thing in months? That might dramatically change once our Real Estate Refugee status ends and we take possession of our new house over the next couple of weeks. I expect a full torrent of content to spew forth once we’re settled! It’s been a weird couple of years; a fun story though.

Finally, let me extend a warm welcome to the new subscribers! You found me during a weird transitional time and I’m glad you’re here! And thanks to everyone else for your ongoing support and patience. It’s meant a lot.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Escaping The Cave
Escaping The Cave
Todd Zilla